Sunday, September 14, 2014

Scar tissue issues

Scar tissue: a pain in the butt, that's what it is....

I'll begin with a reminder that I named my tissue expanders Thelma (left) and Louise (right).  Louise is totally fine and normal, no scar tissue at all, that I can tell!!!  Thelma, on the other hand, has been a nightmare and caused me so much pain, stress and set-back in my fitness that I am honestly looking forward to getting these things out and silicone implants in on Thursday!!

The scar tissue is on the outside part of Thelma and feels like it runs the entire outside curve of the breast.  There is an actual part of my breast that is pinched in and looks really weird.  It also affects the ROM of my left arm which is slightly annoying when I run or try to do overhead presses.

Skin is pinched in at the top outer part of my left breast

As you can imagine, that spot is quite uncomfortable and it's not one of those things you just sort of "forget about."  I'm am always aware that it is there....when I'm working out, when I sleep, when I reach for something, etc.

Because of that scar tissue spot, which the surgeon explained might be due to the fact that he put some AlloDerm (that cadaver tissue they use in these procedures) on the sides and attached it to my muscle, when I pull my left arm back the pectoralis major (chest muscle) looks more taught and you can actually see where the muscle is going into my arm.  

Left arm extended back to show pectoralis muscle being pulled

I'm excited for the surgery so that the plastic surgeon can remove the scar tissue!!  I know it'll be sore and painful but it will be so worth it, when it heals, to have my full ROM back once I start working on my flexibility!!  I'll be posting pictures after my surgery once I'm healed up to compare the before and after :)

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