Monday, September 29, 2014

Work It Girl!!

Today was my first day back to work and it ROCKED!!!!!! :D  It helps that I absolutely LOVE my job (being a personal trainer is amazing)!!

I showed up this morning to this waiting for me downstairs at the front desk:

So cute!!!! I love oatmeal :)

And this upstairs on my computer waiting for me:

This made me feel so loved!

And the two amazing girls I work with in the morning, who I am so blessed to be able to call my friends, and I all have the same pair of Lululemon pants and we have dubbed these our "Monday pants."  Yep, we all wear the exact same pair of Lululemon pants on Mondays....we are indeed fitness fashion dorks :)

Monday Pants!!

Now, even though I'm back at work, I'm not busy at all, which is totally ok!  I purposely didn't take any new clients starting at the beginning of August because I was going on a week vacation at the end of August and then would only be back for a week until I left to have my surgery, so there wasn't any point in taking new clients.  It's nice to ease back into it though.....I would definitely recommend easing back into whatever job you have....maybe that means going back Wednesday-Friday that first week back, or doing half days for the first three days or something along those lines.  It's not that it's physically difficult (well...for a personal training job, it sort of is lol), but it's more psychologically challenging because you just spent 2-3 weeks lying/sitting/lounging on a couch while your body recovered and even when you go back to your work, your body is still in recovery mode and your mind is not ready to work yet.  So those first few days back feel amazing, but they're also challenging (in a good way though)!

I will resume training my long standing clients I had before my surgery and those who have been training with me since before my first surgery too!!  They are very supportive and understand that I can't demonstrate any upper body exercises to them or hand them heavy weights for at least another 2-3 weeks...just another reason why I love my job and my clients!! :)

My back to work outfit:
So get incredibly thoughtful husband bought me a matching Lululemon outfit, while I was recovering, that I could wear to my first day back at work.  He drove to Santana Row and went into Lululemon, despite the fact that they had moved the store to a new temporary location so they could renovate their current store which caused him to walk around lost trying to find it for 30 minutes, and then proceeded to ask someone to help him pick out a cute matching outfit that consisted of a tank top, headband and socks.  I love him.  Wearing this outfit today made me feel confident and ready to get back to life!!!!  I also loved the way my new foobies looked in it!!

                                              Looking good foobies, looking good :)

Now that I have had my bandages off for several days and have been massaging them (to avoid scar tissue and adhesions from developing), I'm noticing little things that probably only I would notice.  The left one feels a bit tighter (darn you left foobie!!), my nipples aren't perfectly aligned with each other (barely noticeable) and the same spot that was pinched in on the side of my left breast is again starting to look pinched in again (uuugh).  But, I know that these implants are going to change over the course of the next year, so I need to continue to massage them and continue praying for a smooth recovery :)

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