Sorry it's been SO long since I wrote a post!!!! With the craziness of buying our new home, moving and then painting the entire inside of the house and all the updates we are doing to it, life has been crazy!!! We are finally slowing down with the house projects, although, anyone who owns a home knows that they NEVER END!!!
But, moving on to the foobies :)
I'm now a little over 3 months post op (wahoo!!!!) and wanted to share different things I am feeling, how I look, and, of course, my fitness. Let's start with the things/sensations I'm feeling now 14 weeks post-op:
- When I wake up my foobies always feel a bit tight
- Sleeping on my sides is still a bit uncomfortable and if I'm on one side for too long I usually wake up and have to adjust my sleeping position
- I'm starting to get more feeling back closer to the nipple, but at times it's uncomfortable, especially if I accidentally hit it or scrape up against it or adjust my bra.
- If I wear a strapless top or dress, I CAN NOT tell if it starts to slip!! haha! This is actually pretty hilarious because I'll look down and be like "oh, crap!!! I'm getting close to giving everyone a free show!!!" I usually tell my husband to be on the lookout for this lol!!
- My left one is STILL TIGHTER than the right one and limits my left arm range of motion (ROM) more than the right
- Massaging helps, but I sometimes forget to massage them. Also, massaging them doesn't feel as great as a massage should feel haha! It's actually a bit uncomfortable to massage as vigorously as they want you to
- The scars are lightening up nicely....still a bit pink (right more than left) but they are lightening!
- When I flex I can literally SEE the pectoralis muscle origin!!! It's sort of creepy! Also, when I flex (and I find this hilarious), the muscle pushes the implant down and out to the side!! haha, it looks pretty funny! So it happens whenever I do chest exercises (push ups, planks, downward dog, etc.).
How I look:
In my opinion, and from what my husband tells me, my foobies look great! They're small (close to my original size), but they're firm and full looking and I love them!! They look awesome in a bra and in a dress and at times I don't even need a bra (they just sit there all purdy looking on their own :))!!
I have been slowly increasing my weights when I lift as well as the intensity when I do plyometric or cardio exercises (think mountain climbers, burpees, jump squats, etc.). In the beginning my lungs had a tough time catching up, but the other weekend I ran 2 miles for the first time in 4 months and I felt great!!! My legs got that sort of itchy burning feeling but that's a normal "new-to-running" sensation!
At home HIIT workout:
4 rounds
50 jumping jacks
30 high knees
20 mountain climbers
20 plank jacks
10 burpees
That workout was great because it's equipment free but still challenged me!!! Give it a try and modify what you need :)
My strength is increasing each week because I am pushing myself and motivated to get back to all of my pre-surgery weights!!! It is hard work and some days I don't feel like I can do it or lift that much so I listen to my body and lift lighter with higher reps or I do yoga so I can focus on my flexibility (which is also extremely important after this kind of surgery)!!
Leg workout - top: split squats
bottom left: kettle bell swings
bottom right: kettle bell deadlifts
(notice how in the bottom right picture my shoulders are still rounded forward a bit. This is due to decreased chest flexibility from the surgery. Working on stretching out my chest and shoulders will help with this. Even though it is uncomfortable, working on flexibility and ROM is key before I begin lifting heavy again).
Sorry it's been so long since I posted!!! I'll try to keep up with my blogs more regularly now that we are more settled into our new life :)
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