Monday, April 6, 2015


I forgot to post this on here earlier buuuuuut I REACHED MY GOAL OF 1 MILITARY PUSH UP!!!! :)

Actually, I did 2!!!!!  Check it out!!!!

I did a set using the push ups handles and a normal set with my hands on the ground.  You can see that I went for a 3rd push up during both sets but failed.  Failing is OK.....but after you fail you have to pick yourself back up and keep working hard!  Eventually I'll be able to do 3 pushups, then 5, then 10!!!

So, ladies, IT IS POSSIBLE to do push ups again after having a preventative double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery!!!!  I did these push ups almost exactly 6 months after my reconstructive surgery!!  So, on those days that you feel weak and tired and are getting down on yourself because you're not where you used to be just remember to keep working towards your goals and to keep pushing through those tough days and DONT GIVE UP because YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!! :)

As always, feel free to email me any questions at
You can also follow me on instagram as I post daily workout ideas, videos and motivational quotes!!
Instagram username: Fitness.Paige

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Strength and Tightness

As our house projects have slowed down a bit, I've been able to focus on my strength more.  AND I got a job as a Personal Trainer at the local health club here in Sonora!!! I've also got my home training center coming together it's pretty exciting and busy around here all of a sudden!!

Today I'm going to focus on strength training.  For those of us who have had the PDM surgery and final reconstruction the days of finding our 1 rep max on the bench press are over (if you were working on that before, which I was).  Unfortunately, the trauma and damage done to our pectoralis muscles from the surgery is enough to ensure we never get to lift so heavy on the bench press that we find our failure weight.  I'm kind of ok with this for a couple of reasons:
  1. I don't really care too much about getting my chest puffed up and super buff
  2. Bench press was never my favorite it's sort of a blessing in disguise!
However, as women, we should want to maintain and increase our strength so that we can be independent if need be and strong enough to lift things correctly without injury.  Working on chest strength is a part of this.  But, we can do it without performing the bench press exercise!  Here are a few other ways:
  • Plank
  • Modified push ups
  • BOSU push ups
  • Tricep dips
  • Commandos
  • Supine skull crushers (triceps extensions lying on the ground)
These are the exercises I have been focusing on the past few months to try and get back my chest and arm strength.  Here are a few of the exercises shown in the following video:

"Arms" Circuit

Modified pull ups and modified push ups using a BOSU

I have also been working really hard on my flexibility because after I work out my chest I notice that the same day and the day after, especially, my chest feels VERY tight!!!  So, I have been using a PVC pipe to do stretches called "shoulder dislocators."  Funny name I know, but it's because of the ROM you need to perform it!!  I just started being able to do these again in January, so it took me almost 4 months to get back to that flexibility I had pre-surgery!!!

Currently my workouts consist of a good mix of high intensity training (HIT) and strength training.  I am incorporating Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide (BBG) into my weekly routine as well!!  That really helped me get back some of my cardio endurance because it is a high intensity workout!  My current schedule is this:

Monday - Legs or BBG
Tuesday - Back and Biceps
Wednesday - BBG
Thursday - Yoga or Chest
Friday - Legs and Shoulders OR BBG
Saturday - Walk or Rest
Sunday - Rest

It's a good schedule for now and I'm hoping to maintain it because I am noticing an increase in muscle definition and an improvement in my overall well being (less tired, deeper breathing, clearer mind).  And for those of you who have had the surgery you know that being under anesthesia for a long time (I was under for 8 hours!!!! eeeek!!) can seriously effect your brain and body chemicals and function!!  It has been 5 months for me and I am feeling more normal now than I did back in December!!!  I think that it will most likely take one full year to feel fully normal psychologically and physically.  The chest tightness is something that I may never get used to or enjoy, but that doesn't mean I won't stop working on my chest just means that I will work hard at it AND work hard on my chest flexibility as well!!

Remember, for daily motivation follow my instagram: Fitness.Paige 
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!!!!


Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year, New Foobs

2015 has begun and that means lots of people making resolutions and goals they have every good intention of keeping.  Unfortunately, most of us end up not being able to keep these or reach these goals.  The problem?  Creating unrealistic, unattainable goals.  Here are a few tips for making new years resolutions/goals that you CAN achieve!!!

  1. Write down everything you'd like to achieve in the year
  2. Write down how you're feeling currently
  3. Review both lists
  4. Cross out any goal or resolution that makes you feel bad or guilty or defeated
  5. Check the goals that are left and follow these guidelines:
        • is it realistic?
        • is it attainable? (like, for reals??)
  6. Make sure the big goals (e.g. I will lose 25lbs) are broken down into segments (see below for examples)
  7. Be detailed with your goal setting.  Give specific numbers and time frames.
  8. Remember, don't do anything that won't make you feel good.....Always:
Photo from Instagram user @kayla_itsines

If you're goal(s) or resolution(s) is impossible or unrealistic, you will get discouraged and feel defeated along the way which makes you want to forget all about your goals!  If you choose realistic goals that YOU know YOU can achieve you will feel AWESOME and accomplished!!  For example:
  • Discouraging goal: I will lose weight
  • Realistic goal: I will lose 5lbs by February 15, 2015 by walking for 30 minutes 3x/week and going to a body sculpting class 2x/week.
Did you see what I did there?  I broke down the big goal that can seem daunting and made it more realistic and attainable!!  I even went into details of HOW to lose the weight.  The next step in this goal is to check your schedule and see when you can fit in the 3 walks each week and actually WRITE them into your calendar.  The same goes with the body sculpting class...check your gym schedule and decide which 2 classes/week you want to dedicate yourself to going to and WRITE them in your calendar!!!  Another hint for sticking to it???  FIND A WORKOUT BUDDY!!! :)  Having someone to keep your accountable and having a friend to workout with makes it SO MUCH BETTER!!  Not only will they make you go to the class when you're not feeling like it, you'll have a blast catching up and growing that friendship :)

Here's another example of a daunting goal in the opposite direction:
  • Discouraging goal: I will gain weight
  • Realistic goal: I will gain 5lbs by March 1, 2015 by heavy lifting 5 days/week doing legs on Monday, Back and Biceps on Tuesday, Core on Wednesday, Chest and Triceps on Thursday, Legs on Friday and going for a walk or doing a fun activity on Saturday with a rest day being on Sunday.
Personally, my biggest goal this year is to do 1 push up, just 1....but that 1 is going to be a full on military push up.  After both of my surgeries, my poor chest muscles (pectorals major and minor) have taken a real beating and even though I do work on push ups occasionally, I find that it feels awkward and uncomfortable to do push ups now and that discourages me.  So, I have to break it down so it doesn't intimidate me:

  • I will do 15 incline push ups on the lower squat bar rung (my nautilus squat rack at home) by January  20, 2015.
My Nautilus squat rack.  I do the push ups with my hands 
on the barbell while it's on that lower rung.
And the turquoise walls!!!  I just love them :)

  • I will do 10 modified push ups on my knees by February 15, 2015.
  • I will do 1 military push ups by April 2, 2015.
  • AND I CAN DO THIS!!!!!
So, when you do set your 2015 goals (if you set any), remember to set goals that will make you happy and feel better and stronger!!  Remember to make them attainable and realistic and write down details of how much, by when and how you're going to get there.  With these tips, you should be able to write some awesome goals and then CRUSH THEM!!!! :)

Monday, December 29, 2014

It's been a while...

Hi everyone!!

Sorry it's been SO long since I wrote a post!!!!  With the craziness of buying our new home, moving and then painting the entire inside of the house and all the updates we are doing to it, life has been crazy!!!  We are finally slowing down with the house projects, although, anyone who owns a home knows that they NEVER END!!!

But, moving on to the foobies :)

I'm now a little over 3 months post op (wahoo!!!!) and wanted to share different things I am feeling, how I look, and, of course, my fitness.  Let's start with the things/sensations I'm feeling now 14 weeks post-op:
  • When I wake up my foobies always feel a bit tight
  • Sleeping on my sides is still a bit uncomfortable and if I'm on one side for too long I usually wake up and have to adjust my sleeping position
  • I'm starting to get more feeling back closer to the nipple, but at times it's uncomfortable, especially if I accidentally hit it or scrape up against it or adjust my bra.
  • If I wear a strapless top or dress, I CAN NOT tell if it starts to slip!! haha! This is actually pretty hilarious because I'll look down and be like "oh, crap!!! I'm getting close to giving everyone a free show!!!" I usually tell my husband to be on the lookout for this lol!!
  • My left one is STILL TIGHTER than the right one and limits my left arm range of motion (ROM) more than the right
  • Massaging helps, but I sometimes forget to massage them.  Also, massaging them doesn't feel as great as a massage should feel haha!  It's actually a bit uncomfortable to massage as vigorously as they want you to
  • The scars are lightening up nicely....still a bit pink (right more than left) but they are lightening!
  • When I flex I can literally SEE the pectoralis muscle origin!!!  It's sort of creepy!  Also, when I flex (and I find this hilarious), the muscle pushes the implant down and out to the side!! haha, it looks pretty funny!  So it happens whenever I do chest exercises (push ups, planks, downward dog, etc.).  
How I look:
In my opinion, and from what my husband tells me, my foobies look great!  They're small (close to my original size), but they're firm and full looking and I love them!!  They look awesome in a bra and in a dress and at times I don't even need a bra (they just sit there all purdy looking on their own :))!!

I have been slowly increasing my weights when I lift as well as the intensity when I do plyometric or cardio exercises (think mountain climbers, burpees, jump squats, etc.).  In the beginning my lungs had a tough time catching up, but the other weekend I ran 2 miles for the first time in 4 months and I felt  great!!! My legs got that sort of itchy burning feeling but that's a normal "new-to-running" sensation!

At home HIIT workout: 
4 rounds
50 jumping jacks
30 high knees
20 mountain climbers
20 plank jacks
10 burpees

That workout was great because it's equipment free but still challenged me!!!  Give it a try and modify what you need :)

My strength is increasing each week because I am pushing myself and motivated to get back to all of my pre-surgery weights!!!  It is hard work and some days I don't feel like I can do it or lift that much so I listen to my body and lift lighter with higher reps or I do yoga so I can focus on my flexibility (which is also extremely important after this kind of surgery)!!

Leg workout - top: split squats
bottom left: kettle bell swings
bottom right: kettle bell deadlifts
(notice how in the bottom right picture my shoulders are still rounded forward a bit.  This is due to decreased chest flexibility from the surgery.  Working on stretching out my chest and shoulders will help with this.  Even though it is uncomfortable, working on flexibility and ROM is key before I begin lifting heavy again).

Sorry it's been so long since I posted!!!  I'll try to keep up with my blogs more regularly now that we are more settled into our new life :)

Friday, October 31, 2014

Stretching, Moving, Strengthening

Ok so I am a little over 7 weeks post-op now...YAY!!  And have been approved to lift over 10lbs again and resume normal high intensity activities (running, jump rope, etc.).  Of course that makes me SUPER excited and now I want to do everything all at once!!! hahaha but that's not how it works. I know that I have to ease back into it.  I can't start deadlifting 100lbs again, I have to work back up to it.  It's a slow process but it will be so worth it to feel strong again!!! :)

Also, I haven't been posting too often and I also may be MIA for the next few weeks as the hubs and I are MOVING to the mountains AND we bought a house!!! :)  So, we are in the process of moving and painting and updating and it's craziness but I love it!!!

YAY OUR NEW HOME!!! :) :) :)

Since this is my first week being able to do my normal routine (which is in my Previvor Exercise Guide), I have been feeling really sore and I love it!

This past Monday I did legs......Deadlifts, Split Squats, Stability Ball Hamstring Curls, and Squats and oooooooooh goooooooodness my legs are STILL sore and it's Friday LOL!!!  But it's one of those "hurts so good" feelings! :)

Here's a video of how to do split squats, in case you were wondering and wanted to make your legs super sore too ;)

Also, during the move, we obviously had no gym to workout in so I had to do an outdoor travel workout and use what I had!!!  You can always workout anywhere you go, take advantage of your surroundings!! :)

Thursday, October 16, 2014

5 Weeks Post Op - Kick it into Cardio Gear

I'm 5 weeks post-op today!!  It feels like my surgery was so long ago, but then it also feels like it was just the other day.  I can still feel things pull and stretch if I move too quickly or if I try to grab something heavier than 10lbs (personal trainer here, makes it hard not to lift heavy objects at work lol).  The other day I picked up a 12lb medicine ball and took about 2 steps with it, realized what I was doing, and dropped it right there! Hahaha I literallly laughed out loud!!  Even though it felt ok to lift it, my PS specifically told me not to lift heavier than 10 lbs for 6 weeks so I'm trying really hard to follow those orders!

I've been following my Previvor Exercise Guide and enjoying the strength I'm regaining but am not enjoying how my lunges seem to always be screaming for air!!  I feel like I just can't quite catch my breath and like I am super out of shape!!  I taught my first spin class back after surgery this past Tuesday and ooooooooh man was it tough!!!  I was trying so hard to focus on my breathing, but when you have to breathe, work hard and yell and motivate your class, things get a bit crazy.  My head got all swollen feeling (my tight headband probably didn't help) and when the class was over I was very happy haha!!

Just in case you're just jumping into my journey, I had my preventative double mastectomy on March 18, 2014 and my final reconstruction and laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy on September 11, 2014.  I've been following an exercise guide that I created specifically for individuals going through upper body surgery!  This week I sort of had to change things up a bit  because I had Monday off work so I took a rest day that day, Tuesday I taught spin, yesterday I did a leg and core workout and today I'm teaching my Butts&Guts class and subbing Spin class for someone!  Whew!!!  Here's a video of the leg workout I have been doing on Mondays:

The workout is-
3 rounds of:
15 split squats/leg
10 butt lifts/leg
15 lateral lunges w/high knee/leg

This made my legs and booty nice and sore!!! :)

And don't forget to foam roll and wear pink this month!!

Questions or comments?? Email me at!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Previvor Exercise Guide WEEK 1

It's October!!!!! Wait, what?!?!  How'd that happen?!?!

And that means it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!! For all of us previvors, survivors, friends/family of a previvor/survivor let's help others to become aware and know that we are not alone in this!!! 

This week marked my first week back at work and it's been incredible so far!!  I feel more energized each day that I'm here and like I'm getting back to my normal routine!

This week ALSO marked the first week of starting my very own 12 week Previvor Exercise Guide!!  It is in a VERY rough draft stage right now and I am constantly updating it and adding to it as I follow it each day.  I designed it for anyone who has gone through upper body surgery (doesn't have to specifically be a previvor, could be a cancer survivor, someone who had arm, shoulder, stomach, gall bladder surgery, etc.)!  It progresses slowly so that the individual using it doesn't feel overwhelmed in the beginning.

Obviously, since each person is different and each surgery is unique to the individual, each person would need to show the guide to their surgeon(s) before beginning it to make sure they are physically ready to complete the exercises required.  My intentions are to help women gain back their strength, flexibility and endurance after they have had surgery using the guide as a step-by-step instruction manual on how to do so :)

For the first 8 weeks there are 2 rest days a week but, starting week 9, one of the rest days turns into a working day....just an example of how the guide progresses.  Also, to avoid complications, the guide is split into 3 sections - weeks 1-4, weeks 5-8 and weeks 9-12.  The routine for weeks 1-4 is the same each week so that the individual can become comfortable and improve in each exercise before moving onto a harder and more challenging exercise!  The exercises become more challenging every 4 weeks and require more strength and coordination.

Here's week 1:

I initially had just a walk on Monday but I realized that I felt good and wanted to actually do work.  However, since I am only allowed to lift 20lbs or less with my lower body, the machines didn't really give me a good pretty much did nothing.  So that's why I added a bunch of lower body body-weight exercises on Wednesday on top of the upper body flexibility work.  Initially, I only had the upper body flexibility work, but it wasn't enough.  And let me tell you......I am FEELING booty is SUPER sore and so are my legs and I LOVE it!!!! :)

Foam rolling out the legs - hamstrings and glutes to be specific

Since it's Friday today, that's the workout I'm planning on doing.  However, based on how I feel, I might add to it.  This is why I wanted to "test" my guide out myself first before I publish it so I can know what needs to change!!

One thing I do need to think about is the fact that the recovery for both surgeries is VERY different.  The preventative double mastectomy recovery is much more difficult, slower and challenging than the final reconstruction.  ROM and flexibility is harder to gain back after the PBM and you tend to feel weaker (or at least I did) after the PBM surgery.  After the final reconstruction, you immediately have almost all of your ROM you had before the surgery (which might have still been limited since the PBM surgery) and I felt like I had more energy and strength right away (after the anesthesia wore off).

I hope you all have a fantabulous weekend!!!

Remember, if you have any questions or you would like to test out my guide and provide me with feedback, email me at:

Also, today's workout (friday) can be viewed in video form on my instagram page: fitness.paige